Mustanggallop nodded, carefully. He looked at Frostlight. "You have a burr on your back." meowed. "Ill get it." he reached down, removing it with his paw.
She twithced her whiskers nervously. She didn't want to embaress herself infront of the black and white tom. "D-do you want to go hunting?" She asked, cursing herself silently for being to nervous. ~Frostlight
Mustanggallop sat in the clearing, nervous.
ReplyDelete(Does he like anyone yet?)
ReplyDelete(No, you can choose someone of yours if you want.)
ReplyDelete( I have Shadefrost, Goldenheart, and Frostlight)
ReplyDelete(Choose any)
ReplyDelete(You, he's your kitty :P)
ReplyDelete(Who ever is most likely to have kits. If their all just as likely.......uh......Frostlightor Shadefrost......I cant decide....)
ReplyDelete(Frostlight, lol)
ReplyDelete(Fine by me)
ReplyDeleteShe padded inside, her sleek white pelt seemed to glow. "Hi," she meowed quietly.
Mustanggallop meows, "Hi. Did you fnd someone you like yet?" He meowed, trying to sound casual.
ReplyDelete"Well, I kind of like a tom here, but I'm not sure he really knows me yet." She admitted.
Musanggallop nodds. "The cat I like bareley knows my name."
ReplyDelete"Then again, a lot of she-cats are new." She meowed, bending down to lick her white tabby tail.
Mustanggallop nodded, carefully. He looked at Frostlight. "You have a burr on your back." meowed. "Ill get it." he reached down, removing it with his paw.
ReplyDeleteShe reached over. "Oh, thank you, I've been trying to get at that for awhile." She purred.
Mustanggallop nodded shyly. He waved his tail slowly, nervously. Inside, he was explouding with feelings for Frostlight.
ReplyDeleteShe twithced her whiskers nervously. She didn't want to embaress herself infront of the black and white tom. "D-do you want to go hunting?" She asked, cursing herself silently for being to nervous.
Mustanggallop nods. "That would be nice." he said.
ReplyDeleteShe purred, not trying to hide her excitment.
Mustanggallop smiles, happily. "Lets go to the River. WE can fish."
ReplyDelete"I don't know how to fish." She shuffled her paws uneasily, not adding she didn't know how to swim either.
Mustanggallop smiles. "I'll teach you." he saided, and padded to the river.(next post there)